Geek-Gasm: Star Wars TV Spot Released

You’ve probably seen the new international trailer for Star Wars: The Force Awakens by now. If you haven’t, check it out here. It was definitely cool, but it had a mix of some new and old footage we have already seen.

Today, I was surprised to see a TV spot released for the film. It includes a LOT of new footage, but again, the plot is still hard to figure out besides the fact that the First Order and the Resistance don’t like each other.

Its a short spot, but I got goosebumps from watching it.

Check it out.

In a World of Her Own: Through the Looking Glass Trailer is Released

A few days ago, we saw a teaser and today we have a full blown “first look” for Alice Through the Looking Glass.

Looks like most of the major characters are back in this film–there is even a quick glimpse of what appears to be the Jabberwocky? Given the lackluster story of the previous film I may not rush out right away to see it, but who knows.

I thought Anne Hathaway’s character in the last from was the most intriguing and glad to see that she is back. Hopefully we’ll get to learn more about her.

In any case, enjoy!

ICYMI: Through the Looking Glass Teaser

Over the weekend Disney released a brief look at the sequel to Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland, titled Through the Looking Glass.

Alice appears to be dressed like the Mad Hatter, right? Obviously there is not much to see here.

I thought the first one was okay. It had neat scenery and some characters that were fairly compelling, but they could’ve used, well more character development. But it was entertaining.

Are you excited for this sequel?

“Dis” is the the Enchanted Sequel

“How do you know” that Disney is moving forward with a follow-up to their film, Enchanted?

Well, today it has been reported that a sequel is progressing and it has a new working title, Disenchanted:

Story details remain under wraps, and it’s still unclear exactly which cast members will return. Amy Adams led a cast that included James Marsden, Patrick Dempsey, and Susan Sarandon in the first film and she has been enthusiastic about reprising her lead role over the years. Enchanted was a wonderful showcase of her talents, as she was able to bring the traditionally naïve “Disney princess” archetype to reality with shades of dimension and show off her formidable singing pipes in the process.

For me, Enchanted was a refreshing film that brought back the traditional Disney magic that had been missing years prior with Chicken Little, Home on the Range, and others. In addition, I loved the inclusion of traditional animation and the art nouveau influence in the animated scenes.

Lets not forget the songs by Alan Menken! A number of them were nominated for an Academy Award that year. Sadly, because of that, I think the vote was split and another song won instead.

Are you excited about a follow up to Enchanted?

20,000 Remakes: Bryan Singer to Direct New “20,000 Leagues Under the Sea”

Disney is remaking all of their classic films nowadays. We all know about the animated classics being turned into live-action CGI hybrids. Now comes news that Disney will make a sequel to Mary Poppins and there will be an updated version of 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.

X-Men director Bryan Singer has tweeted a script for 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, which has been written by Dan Studney and Rick Sordelet. This comes a few months after director David Fincher finally dropped out of the project which he was working on with Disney.

I am actually excited about the choice in director. Bryan Singer did a good job translating the X-Men comics into films, so I am hopeful he will treat this story well. With updated special effects and technology, the promise of the new set pieces could be astounding.

Despite being critical of some of these in the past I have warmed up to the idea. Now, the thought of Tim Burton remaking Dumbo still gives me nightmares. However, given that other studios are releasing new movies with characters closely associated with Disney, such as the new Peter Pan prequel, I would rather have Disney control a remake than someone else.

Furthermore, these new versions might introduce classic Disney stories to new generations. Yes, we Disney fans have no problem watching the classic animated films (think Snow White, Cinderella, etc), but to some, especially those in their teenage years, they are old and dated.  If these new films are strong enough, it might encourage a new generation to look back and discover the older films in the Disney library.

Regardless, I at least hope these films will be just as good, if not better than the recent Cinderella, and not the steaming pile that was Maleficent.  

The Bare Necessities: Live Action Jungle Book Trailer Released!

Now this trailer has me excited!

Disney has released the first trailer to the live action Jungle Book and I am definitely intrigued.

Disney fans will notice references to all the major characters from the animated version–Shere Khan, Mowgli, Bagheera, King Louie, Colonel Hathi, Baloo, and of course, Kaa are shown throughout.

One scene reminded me of Disney’s Tarzan:

Regardless, I am actually excited about this film and look forward to seeing more. Check out the full trailer below and let me know what you think. ºoº

The First Order is Strong with the Dark Side

Surprise! A new television spot appeared today for Star Wars: The Force Awakens and while most of the footage features clips already seen before, there is one scene that is new.

It appears that the First Order, is not some rag tag operation. I kinda wonder who the shiny helmut head figure is in the image above? Is that Captain Phasma perhaps (the shiny-armored stormtrooper)? Doesn’t seem likely, but who knows.

In any case, enjoy the full television spot here:

Inside Out Engrosses the World

Disney*Pixar’s latest animated film, Inside Out, continues to attract audiences and has now earned more than 600 million worldwide. According to Deadline:

The domestic cume makes it the No. 7 animated release of all-time in North America — giving Disney or Pixar films seven of the top 10 spots on that chart. Currently playing in 51 offshore markets, 73% of the footprint, the charmer/thought-provoker still has such key plays as Italy (September 16), Germany (October 1) and China to come. Disney has not officially confirmed its China date, although local reports put it on October 8.

The article points out that the film has earned a substantial portion of its tally from overseas markets.

Another Tron Sequel > Live Action Remakes of Disney Animated Films

Those hoping for another installment of Tron just received more bad news.

Bruce Boxleitner, the actor who played Tron is “done” with the franchise:

Although Boxleitner said it “breaks my heart” that the studio decided to cancel Tron 3, he added, “I understand the times move on. Disney, it’s not in their [wheelhouse] anymore. The animated series [had] a lot of promise, they didn’t stick with that either. I don’t think they really want it anymore. I think they’ve got Star Wars. They’ve got Marvel. Legacy was successful. I’m not sure that they really had that much interest anymore. I hate to say that because I think there’s a lot more to go.”

I do agree with Boxleitner, in a way. With Star Wars and Marvel, why should Disney waste time with Tron? However, I would much rather see a new Tron sequel than a live-action film of Dumbo, or any of the other dozen live-action remakes that are in the works.

I really enjoyed Tron: Legacy and the animated series showed so much potential, yet many of the episodes during the first season were moved to a time slot to ensure no one would watch.

Of course, nothing really dies in Hollywood and its still possible Tron will be resurrected sometime in the future. I would just hate to wait another 25 years.

For those who have forgotten, here is the trailer for the now-defunct animated series, Tron: Uprising.

My Personal Joy, Anger, Sadness, Disgust, and Fear while Experiencing “Inside Out”

What a great way to cap off the weekend! On Sunday evening I was able to see Disney*Pixar’s latest offering, Inside Out.

It turns out I experienced most of the emotions from Inside Out during the movie-going experience.

Let me explain.


As I left for the theater, i recalled how the last few films from Pixar were good, but not great. Was Pixar sliding into mediocrity? Will Inside Out live up to all the reviews and the hype? Only one way to find out.


One dollar difference between a matinee and an evening show? How much is it for a Coke? No, I don’t want to pay 50 cents more for a large. The prices are insane!! And some argue Disney Parks are too expensive. Please!


Sitting through the many trailers of upcoming animated films that rely on sight gags, slapstick comedy, and cheap laughs. Ugh. Can we please be done with these!! Clearly there is Disney and Pixar and everyone else follows.


The movie begins after the wonderful Pixar short, Lava.

Inside Out is so well crafted and frankly, its brilliant. Disney and Pixar films somehow tap into the human experience and this one is no exception.


Yea,..about tapping into that human experience: as an adult, I kept thinking about how most of us all have that wonderful childhood sense of joy, but eventually we lose it and enter the “age of not believing” and grow cynical. Thankfully, some are able to rediscover it.

Back to Joy

The filmmakers behind Inside Out dared to figure out the inner-workings and thoughts of a young girl’s brain. You are guaranteed to experience most if not all of the emotions featured during your own screening of the film. There are few films that really warrant watching immediately. Well, this film is one of them.

Go check it out.