Disney Tunes Tuesday: Jessie J Sings “Part of Your World”

New versions of some of your favorite Disney tunes will be released next week as part of the album, We Love Disney. 

There have been other tracks previously released and now you can enjoy Jessie J’s rendition of “Part of Your World.” Enjoy the new version below.

I am eagerly anticipating the new album being released, are you?

Twitterpated: My Top 4 Leading Disney Ladies

Belle, Aurora, Cinderella, Elsa, and Ariel. These Disney Princesses and a few others get most of the attention nowadays.

However, I think there are other Disney leading ladies that are kinda forgotten about, yet, to me are way more compelling.

So, here are what I consider to be my top leading Disney ladies.

4. Anna – Frozen

Ok, so she’s not “forgotten,” but Elsa gets way more attention between the two. But what’s not to love about Anna’s sense of style yet she’s totally relatable. Her “princess” title never got to her head.

3. Captain Amelia – Treasure Planet

Captain Amelia is probably the one Disney character who can kick butt but do it in a classy way while insulting enemies in such a way that they have to reference a dictionary.

2. Jane – Tarzan

She loves the outdoors, she’s an artist, and don’t forget the accent.

1. Meg – Hercules

One word: Sass. I love it.

The Top 6 Disney Songs About Summer!

Its Summer! Well, maybe not officially, but its close enough.

Today, I am going to highlight my top six Disney summer songs. These are songs that are from throughout the Disney “universe,” so not just the animated films, but also some from the theme parks too.

6. In Summer, Frozen

Of course, this song may be better to listen to in winter when you are dreaming of those summer days, but why not enjoy what Olaf is crooning about immediately?

5. After Today, A Goofy Movie

The greatest song about the last day of school.

4. California Screamin’ Disney California Adventure

I love the carnival sounds that make up the on-ride audio on this awesome coaster. It immediately reminds me of summer, the boardwalk, and being at Disney!

3. Space Mountain, Disneyland

Okay, this one goes back a little. But Disneyland’s Space Mountain was the first coaster to have synchronized on-ride music. The Imagineers worked with guitarist Dick Dale to play his famous surf guitar riffs for the audio. Yea, its kinda a mix of space and summer, but it works for me.

2. Hawaiian Roller Coast Ride, Lilo and Stitch

Following up on the Dick Dale surfer riffs is this great tune from Disney’s Lilo and Stitch. I love the original songs from this film that incorporated more traditional Hawaiian sounds.

1. Under the Sea, The Little Mermaid

You could argue that a few of the songs on this soundtrack have summer sounds, but Under the Sea is the best of the bunch.

So, what do you think? Did I miss any songs that you would include?